Those who want to start riding and do it safely, on perfectly prepared horses under the supervision of specialists.
Also those who want to fight :), as well as those who feel that they are stuck with horseback riding, and know that there is SOMETHING EVERYWHERE!!!
However, remember one very important thing; when you come to us you really need to be set to work hard!
We will be happy to play on the noses of all those who claim that a lunge should last 10 hours, we will prove that during these 6 weekend hours we will teach you independent safe and controlled galloping as well as we will go into the field… and believe – these are not advertising slogans!
Fact, sometimes you can get tired, so to speak, but in the end NO ONE COMES TO HALF RIDING… 🙂 …
You will arrive on Friday at the time that will be most convenient for you! Check-in starts at 6 pm, but knowing your life you will arrive around 10 pm – also good! At what time you would arrive, you will find us … full of verve :), ready for anything :), and even worse :). Dinner is served at 7 pm :). And for sure it will be nice :): barbecue (fingers lick), salads, croutons, fireplace and cool music :). But…
This is the day when our guests, for the first time during this weekend, doubt the existence of providence and begin to wonder if it was really a fantastic idea with this arrival :D. We get up around 9 – breakfast is at 9:00 – so let’s say we wake up at 8:56, have a moment to take a breather (5 minutes?) and then immediately to the horses!!! But not all of you, because there is a SURPRISE. We will try a small trifle to SAVE you :). Not only your small (usually 10 – 14 people) group will be divided into two subgroups of 5 – 6 people each, but in addition 2 – 3 people will be selected from among you (almost voluntarily anyway) for a completely separate elite ride.
Preventing the question – no, you do not need to be an organized group, you can come individually – as is the case in most cases. We integrate on the spot :).
At 10.45 the ride of the first group on the manege will begin. The next group at 12.00 and we tire you further :). At 13.15 the end of manege rides and time to feed the horses (and yes :)). You will have to hurry, because at 14.00 lunch and 15.30 again to the horses… This time the terrains (unless there will be people who are beginners enough to not be able to do it… but I do not know such :)).
Terrain is the most wonderful adventure and fun probably for every rider, so you can expect a lot of nice moments… unless we go to “Rollercoaster” and “Hedwig’s Bend (hello :))” – then the fun will be even more… and we have dozens of such places :).
At around 6:30 pm, after the horses are unsaddled, cleaned and fed, we can attack the bathrooms and to dinner :). Or vice versa – it really makes no difference to me :). The evening promises to be lovely: food professional, hosts reasonably 😉 friendly and really… and just :). We will go to bed when you have no more strength…, that is, not at all as late as you suspect :). It will be warm :). Returning to the sore remains is – a… actually, I’ll postpone it until tomorrow :).
How would you put it… for a few people it will be a “mild surprise” or possibly say: another surprise :). In any case, a surprise for individual pieces of you :). But no need to worry – it is usually said that it will heal by the wedding :)!!! From our own experience we know that it can? will heal, it will definitely fester, turn green, fall off and grow a new one (Editor’s note: item 1). So, it’s really not worth worrying about :), pants for sore bottoms and surrounding areas and let’s go :).
We’ll set off “what the horse pops out” after a light breakfast and with a smile on our face (or a grimace resembling it). Depending on the weather and your plan to return home, we suggest a horseback trip to the lake, where on a fabulous promontory, among the trees, we can sit by the fire and listen to the silence – or we will go somewhere else entirely :).
We also suggest a stop in the woods with some tasty hot meal :). We anticipate the end of the event at 3 – 4 pm.
Of course, if only someone feels like staying until the next day, you are SERIOUSLY welcome :).
Anyway, you will have to spend 3 h in the saddle that day as well :). You may also want to fight on the manege on Sunday. Many times we encounter a situation that instead of going to the forest, everyone wants to practice with horses from the ground, watch them and understand the natural methods. You are cordially invited to these exercises!